August 24, 2015


^^ The marshland right next to our cabin. ^^

I survived! My weekend in the woods turned out to be pretty enjoyable and surprisingly relaxing. Here are the highlights:


  • No cell phone reception. It felt so good to be completely unplugged for a few days. 
  • Wildlife! The marsh next to our cabin was a hot spot for moose and we even saw a mama brown bear with three cubs (from a very safe distance).
  • Our cabin was pretty secluded and the quiet was so peaceful.


  • I was a klutz and spilled a glass (ok, red solo cup) of wine right into my lap. I spent the rest of the weekend wearing Nick's oversized sweatpants.
  • Saturday night's dinner didn't quite agree with my stomach, so I had to make two late-night trips to the outhouse.
  • The Northern Lights were out, and I slept through them :(


  • The outhouse. Enough said.
  • Oh, and me at the end of the weekend.

^^ To keep nosy visitors away.  It worked most of the time. ^^

^^ Our home for the weekend. ^^

^^ The view from Echo Bend where we hiked for lunch one day. ^^

To sum up the weekend, it was a great time that I'm not too eager to repeat any time soon. I enjoyed the scenery, wildlife, and simplicity, but I'm still pretty attached to my modern conveniences. This camping thing may win me over yet, but for now I'd like to keep it to small doses every once in a while.

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