October 12, 2015


1. Last week Nick and I saw a mama moose with her two little ones on our way to work. They were inconveniently moseying (mooseying?) across the road, but it’s so fun to see them, who cares if they’re in the way? Moose sightings in the neighborhood happen often enough to be expected, but not often enough to take away any of the excitement when they do.

2. I am anxiously waiting for a very exciting/boring package to arrive in the mail. It’s just packing materials and envelopes for the cards I’ve been busy designing, but it means I’m that much closer to selling them, which is thrilling. Now they just have to get here in time for me to get everything ready for the church bazaar this weekend.

3. My little plants are growing up and moving into bigger pots! I love repotting my plants. It makes me feel like I must be doing something right if they’re growing so much that they need more room. It also stretches my tolerance of dirt and makes me think that maybe I’d like a full blown garden, with vegetables and stuff. And then I remember the weeds and the bugs and I’m grateful for my little potted friends all over again.

4. Nick and I have a recurring problem that regularly threatens our relationship. Pineapple is my favorite pizza topping, and he will not tolerate it anywhere near a slice that he plans to eat. We can’t even go halvsies, because “the pineapple juice will contaminate the whole thing.” Please. Thankfully, a two-for-one coupon came our way so we solved our problem by each ordering our very own large pizza. Making me feel like a pig, but a very happy one.

5. It is candle season. I don’t consider myself a candle person, but we have a few that I like, and I’ve been lighting them a lot lately, so maybe I’m becoming one? I think they make the room feel cozier, and when they smell delicious, even better.

1 comment:

  1. 4. It does contaminate the whole pizza. The juice migrates with the cheese in the melting process. Also, the good folks in the kitchen have NEVER kept all the pineapple on its own side of the pizza. They always drop it clear on the other side of the pie. Pineapple is terrible on pizza. Truth.
