October 19, 2015


I sold stuff! Pardon me while I gush for a moment, because this weekend was so exciting for me :)

The last time I put my artwork on display in the hopes of selling it, I was probably about six years old and I was selling paintings from my front porch. My only customer was the mailman (who could also do an awesome Donald Duck impression). That experience cemented my admiration for our friendly, neighborhood mail carrier, but it didn't give me much hope for a career in art.

But I love making things, and I'm sick of looking at what other talented people are doing and thinking I could do that too without actually doing it! So this was a great weekend for me. Even better than the making money part (which was pretty nice), was all the encouragement I got from people seeing the work I've been pouring my heart into, and liking it so much that they want to take it home with them and make it a part of their lives. That feels pretty good :)

So I learned a few things from my bazaar experience:

  • My husband is very good at packaging greeting cards
  • When it comes to Christmas cards, people much prefer red over green
  • Lots of folks can relate to quotes about tea and books
  • You can never have too many $1 dollar bills on hand
Next up: my Etsy shop launch. On November 1, I'll be offering even more card designs, art prints, and a few other things for sale online. I'm glad I had this opportunity to sell things in person first (I cannot overstate how encouraging all the positive feedback was), and I'm looking forward to this new adventure. Thanks for following along! 

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