November 11, 2015


As I mentioned on Monday, I've been fighting a cold and an ear infection. Not fun. One of the side effects I've been experiencing is an intense craving for hot beverages of all kinds, and if they include alcohol, even better.

I know they don't actually cure colds, but hot toddies definitely help with the symptoms. Normally, I make mine with whiskey, but gin is what I've got on hand these days. A quick search gave me lots of options for gin toddies. This is the one I settled on, and it was pretty good. So if I'm looking especially happy about the contents of my teacup, you can safely bet that this is what I'm sipping. Here's hoping I'll be healthy soon!

November 9, 2015


1. I opened my Etsy shop! This is actually my second shop opening, but the first one was a little lame. I put a lot more effort into this re-opening and I'm so happy with it. But the work isn't done. There are still plenty of tweaks to make and new items to list, so this little shop is keeping me plenty busy.

2. I've been fighting a cold and an ear infection this week. While I love spending a little extra time in bed with a book, I'd rather not be there because I'm sick.

3. Nick and I are going to Michigan for Thanksgiving and I am so excited! Friends and family are the best and I miss mine dearly. I can't wait for this much needed visit.

4. Now that I have a shop, I need to take pretty pictures of everything I'm selling, which means I need pretty props. I've been frequenting my favorite thrift stores and loving that I have an excuse to buy all the pretty things. Possibly my favorite find so far is this lovely wooden vase, featured here.

5. The snow is here to stay, so I've been saying goodbye to my rather vast collection of ballet flats, and am getting reacquainted with socks and boots. It's a sad transition, but my cold, wet feet are pretty happy about it.

November 6, 2015


I start every morning with a pot of tea, but when I need a jolt of caffeine to get me through my early afternoon slump, I drink coffee. The days have been getting dramatically darker here in Anchorage, and my afternoons have been getting slumpier. So far, I've resisted the urge to bring a pillow to the office for quick naps, but I am making friends with the barista around the corner. Coffee for the win and only six more months of winter to go.

October 30, 2015


The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows: I started reading this book on a Friday evening, and when I picked it up again on Saturday morning, I didn't put it down until I'd finished it. The story takes place in post-war England and is laid out in a series of letters between a London writer and the members of a literary society in Guernsey that formed when that island was occupied during WWII. The characters are hilarious and lovable, and the history is fascinating.

On the Map by Simon Garfield: I'm a bit of a map nerd, so I loved this book. It's all about the history of maps (and how we see the world), the people who made them, and the people who use them. The writing is entertaining and smart, and gave me an itch to go exploring.

The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin: This is one of those books that I vaguely recall reading as a kid, but I didn't remember the story well enough to ruin the surprise ending. It was a quick, fun read, but not the highlight of my book list this month.

Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist: This book tugged on all my heart strings. It is a collection of incredibly honest essays about the author's life, focusing on life in community and especially life around the table. It made me homesick, and hungry, and now I want to try all of the delicious-sounding recipes which were thoughtfully included.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis: Such a classic. This book will forever have my heart.

October 26, 2015


This is my manifesto for the week. If I'm not adding pages of calligraphy practice, watercolor experiments, and lettering sketches to the ever-expanding mess on my dining room table, you'll find me buried in my favorite art books and magazines, and (weather permitting) spending some much needed time outdoors. Here's to an inspiring week!