September 16, 2015


Books are the best. I love Pinterest as much as the next gal, but I love actual printed books and magazines so much more. Especially when it comes to finding inspiration for lettering projects. Sometimes it starts to feel like everything on the internet looks the same, and that's no fun. So here are some of my favorites for finding fresh ideas.

Typography Sketchbooks: I love this book because it is full of works-in-progress. It gives a glimpse of the working styles of so many different artists. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that great artwork is not created in one sitting. It usually starts as a pretty rough sketch first.

Decorative Alphabets and Initials: This is a library book, but I need to get my own copy because it is fantastic. I should preface that by saying it's fantastic if you love looking at letterforms, like me. Because that's all it is - pages of incredibly ornate alphabets. So much good inspiration here.

Uppercase Magazine: I'm not sure how I found this magazine, but it is incredible. Every issue focuses on a different art form, and they're all full of beautiful artwork, interviews with artists, and general amazingness. 

Modern Calligraphy: I remember flipping through calligraphy books years ago, and not really liking any of the artwork in them. The styles seemed either too stuffy, or too cheesy. But this book is full of beautiful calligraphy that I would love to be able to make myself. It's usually lying open on the table when I'm practicing.

Of course, this little collection barely scratches the surface. I'm constantly checking books out from the library, and my Amazon wish list is about a mile long. I'm always open to new recommendations, so if you've got one, do share!

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